Representative Brandon Williams

Williams Weekly Wrap-Up

Hi Folks! This past week I was back to work voting in DC. As I continue to recover after having a minimally invasive heart bypass surgery, I remain committed to loving and serving NY-22 and wanted to share what I have been up to:

Back to Work for NY-22
Passage of the FAA Reauthorization
My FAA Amendment Passed
Stop Funding Research in China
Service Nomination Applications Now Available
Celebrating National Moon Day
A Message from Rep. Brandon Williams:

Our 22nd Congressional District encompasses all of Oneida, Madison, and Onondaga counties, and a sliver of Oswego County. As always, I am working to support families in CNY and the Mohawk Valley, improve our local infrastructure, grow manufacturing, and rein-in energy costs through common sense engineering and business practices. As a Navy Veteran, I stand with and for our veterans. I am protecting Social Security and Medicare for our elderly, and I always speak up for our law enforcement, firefighters, and first responders.

Back To Work

It’s great to be back to work on behalf of NY-22. Just over a week ago, a highly skilled group of surgeons, nurses, and other support personnel successfully carried out a robotic cardiac artery bypass grafting procedure. The minimally invasive techniques employed by the cardiac specialists at St. Joseph’s will allow quicker healing, reduced discomfort, and minimal scarring. This remarkable team performs this procedure 150 times per year.

I’ve got some time before I’m at full strength, but I’m truly blessed and happy to be on a great path of recovery.

Watch my full remarks, here.

play button

Passage of FAA Reauthorization and My Amendment

To protect your family and vacation plans, I put forward an amendment to ensure that safety comes first—it’s passage makes that mission possible. As post-COVID travel rises, our ground safety systems must be fully operational—avoiding collisions at our busy airports and avoiding accidents and delays.

Air safety goes beyond political partisanship and is the core of the FAA’s mission: to provide the safest and most efficient civilian air transportation system in the world. Proud to have voted for the FAA Reauthorization which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.

Watch my remarks on the passage, here.

Rep. Williams votes to pass FAA Reauthorization and his amendment passes the House

Passage of Stop Funding Our Adversaries

The Citizen writes

Why would we fund research projects with American taxpayer dollars in a country that wants us to fail?

China is our primary adversary, and we must stop funding their research activities. With growing tension between our country and the Communist Chinese regime, there are no good reasons to support funding these research initiatives or cooperative agreements. This is a huge win for American taxpayers—my amendment ends funding of research by the Chinese government or any Chinese Communist Party agencies.

The stakes on the global stage have never been higher, therefore we should focus our resources at home. Energy prices are at record highs, inflation continues to steal from our quality of life, our Southern border is in crisis, violent criminals are being released onto our streets, and opioids from China are killing our youth at historic rates, stealing our children’s future. Funding our adversaries must stop, now!

Want to learn more? The Citizen | wrote about my amendment, here.

Service Academy Nomination Applications

Service Academy nomination applications are now OPEN! As a Navy veteran, I take great pride in announcing I will begin accepting applications for my inaugural class of Service Academy nominations.

Applications due by Oct 13, 2023. To apply or learn more, click here.

Rep. Williams opens service nomination application process for NY-22

National Moon Day

54 years ago we landed on the Moon. I had the privilege to meet the NASA Artemis II crew who will bring us back to the Moon by completing a lunar flyby next year.

This week, we celebrated National Moon Day!

Rep. Williams celebrates National Moon Day

Final Wrap-Up

Join our team in Utica or Syracuse for the summer!

My office is seeking college-age interns for my Syracuse and Utica offices this summer and fall. Click here if you are interested in applying or learning more.

In-district interns final

We Are Here To Help

If you are experiencing difficulty with a federal agency, my office can help.

Trained caseworkers can assist with agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. While we cannot guarantee a favorable outcome, we will do our best to help you receive a fair and timely response to your problem.

NY-22 residents can contact our Syracuse (315-233-4333) or Utica (315-732-0713) offices for assistance. You can also submit a request on my website, here.

Thank you for reading this week’s wrap-up!

Brandon Williams Signature

Brandon Williams
Member of Congress

Office Locations

1022 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3701
The Galleries of Syracuse
440 South Warren Street
Suite 706
Syracuse, NY 13202
Phone: (315) 233-4333
421 Broad Street
Utica, NY 13501
Phone: (315) 732-0713